If you have an investment (or you were advised to invest) and the provider or adviser has gone out of business, you may be able to claim compensation with FSCS. Whether you already have an investment or are thinking of investing, you should check that it’s FSCS protected.
Compensation limits
- If the firm failed after 1 Apr 2019 - up to £85,000 per eligible person, per firm.
- If it failed between 1 Jan 2010 - 31 Mar 2019 - up to £50,000 per eligible person, per firm.
- If it failed before 1 Jan 2010 - 100% of the first £30,000 and 90% of the next £20,000 up to £48,000 per eligible person, per firm.
Read the 'What you need to know' section below for compensation requirements.
If you've got money to invest, there's never been such a range of investment ideas and products. But our protection varies depending on the type of product, and some investment products aren't protected at all. To be sure, check what we protect by using our investment protection checker.
Three steps to check FSCS investment protection
Step 1
Check your provider is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).
Step 2
Be aware that the particular activity (such as providing advice) that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.
Step 3
Ask your firm to confirm that the activity they are carrying out for you is a regulated activity and FSCS protected.
Know the risks before you invest
Beware of investments offering high returns. Only invest if you’re prepared, and can afford, to lose your money. These resources will help to make sure you're prepared before you invest.
Key questions to ask
Before you invest, ask your investment provider these questions (pdf 0.5MB).
Learn about investment & risk
Understanding risk and returns can help you make better investment decisions. Visit the FCA's site for more information.
Be wary of scams
Avoid pension and investment scams - visit the FCA's Scamsmart site for all the info you need.
Claims - What you need to know
- For FSCS to be able to protect you, the PRA or the FCA must have authorised the provider or adviser, as well as regulated the service and product it provided.
- We can pay up to £85,000 per person, per firm.
- If your claim is about bad advice which caused you to lose money, the advice must have been given to you on or after 28 August 1988.
- We can't accept any claims that are for poor investment performance - unfortunately, the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.
- We may be able to protect you if a provider goes out of business and there's a shortfall in the money or assets it's holding for you.
How do I make a claim?
Watch our short video to find out what to expect when you make a claim.
How long will my claim take?
See how long investment claims typically take to process.
Rules for small businesses & charities
Read our investment claim rules for small businesses, ltd companies and charities.
Mini-bonds or crowdfunding? Read our articles on investing and make an informed decision.
Our investments case study video is based on a real-life story. Please check your investment is FSCS protected.
Terms and conditions
Our investment payment terms - the legal small print around the payment of your claim.