Lonsdale Insurance Brokers Ltd (“Lonsdale”) is a small, independent Lloyd’s broker.
Lonsdale entered creditors’ voluntary liquidation on 24 July 2024 with Neil Bennett and Alex Cadwallader of Leonard Curtis appointed as Joint Liquidators.
Further details can be found on the Joint Liquidator’s Website.
The FCA have also published an update.
Latest updates
06 Mar, 2025
FSCS is aware that claims for Lonsdale are likely to relate to a Capital Guarantee Scheme connected to investments in Blackmore Bond Plc. We're investigating whether the claims meet the conditions to qualify for compensation under our rules.
To help with our investigation, we’re communicating with third parties to get relevant information and records. This information is being reviewed to establish whether the claims may be FSCS protected.
We’re working to complete the investigation but depend on third parties to provide us with information. Any further updates will be published on our website as soon as possible. -
01 Aug, 2024
FSCS will not be opening to customer claims at this time. We’ll be working closely with Joint Liquidators to understand more about Lonsdale and what potential claims there may be against it, and whether any of these claims have the potential to meet the qualifying conditions for FSCS compensation.
The latest news regarding our work on Lonsdale will appear on this page. We’ll update this page as we know more. Customers should subscribe to this page to receive the latest updates.
It’s free to make a claim with FSCS and you don’t need to use a representative or a solicitor. If you claim directly with us, you will receive 100% of any compensation.
Please be wary of scams. FSCS will never ask you for money to make a claim or receive compensation, as our service is free. If you are concerned about any contact you receive, please contact us directly using the details found on our website at www.fscs.org.uk/contact-us/.