Cavendish Incorporated Ltd

Failed 12 October 2023

FRN: 942176

You might be eligible for compensation

FSCS is now considering customers’ claims against Cavendish Incorporated Ltd (“Cavendish”).

We're aware that consumers may have invested substantial funds in bonds or loan notes issued by Cavendish or through its former appointed representative, Cottesmore Associates Ltd (“Cottesmore”).

In general, a business does not have to be regulated by the FCA to raise funds by issuing shares or debt securities (such as bonds or loan notes). However, any regulated activity carried out by a regulated firm in relation to bonds may give rise to a claim that FSCS can consider.

Customers have alleged that Cavendish and/or Cottesmore gave unsuitable advice in connection with the investments. Customers who believe they may have a claim against Cavendish should submit to claim to FSCS. FSCS will investigate whether these claims are eligible for compensation under our rules.

Neither Cavendish nor Cottesmore have ever been permitted by the FCA to provide regulated advice on investments.

As part of our investigations, FSCS will be considering if Cavendish can meet claims made against it.

Any progress updates on FSCS’ investigation into Cavendish will be given in due course.

Latest updates

  • 12 Oct, 2023

    FSCS declared Cavendish Incorporated Ltd ‘in default’ on 12 October 2023. This means FSCS can now pay compensation to customers if claims are valid.

    We continue to assess claims on an individual basis.

  • 31 Aug, 2023

    We have now finished our investigations into Cavendish Incorporated Ltd.  We’re sorry that it’s taken some time to reach this stage and we’re grateful for your patience. 

    All submitted claims made against Cavendish Incorporated Ltd will shortly be moved to our claims processing teams for assessment.   

    All claims will be considered on a case-by-case basis, to determine whether they are eligible for compensation.

    If you think that you may have a claim against Cavendish Incorporated Ltd, click the ‘Check if you can claim’ button to start the process. 

  • 05 Apr, 2023

    Our investigations are now at an advanced stage. Once completed, we’ll be able to confirm whether customers may have valid claims against the Firm. 

    If you think that you may have a claim against Cavendish Incorporated Ltd, click the ‘Check if you can claim’ button at the top of the page to start the process. 

    We thank you for your continued patience and we will provide an update on our investigations when we can.

  • 14 Feb, 2023

    In May 2022, to assist with our investigations, FSCS started to accept customers’ claims against Cavendish Incorporated Ltd (“Cavendish”). 

    Although we're accepting claims against Cavendish, the firm has not been declared “in default” and so they have not been passed to our processing teams for assessment. We need to establish first whether the claims are eligible under our rules.   

    The information we've received is helpful and our investigations into Cavendish are continuing.   

    If you think that you may have a claim against Cavendish Incorporated Ltd, click the ‘Check if you can claim’ button at the top of the page to start the process. 

    We thank you for your continued patience and we will provide an update on our investigations when we can. 

  • 11 Nov, 2022

    FSCS announced in May 2022 that we had started to consider customers’ claims against Cavendish Incorporated Ltd (“Cavendish”).

    Since then, our investigations into Cavendish and its former appointed representative, Cottesmore Associates Ltd (“Cottesmore”) have continued and we have worked closely with the FCA during this time.

    Following earlier consumer warnings by the FCA against Cavendish and seven linked firms, the FCA submitted winding-up petitions. 

    On 18 October 2022, the Court ordered that Cavendish be wound up and an official receiver was appointed.

    If you believe you received bad advice from Cavendish or through its former appointed representative, Cottesmore, you can make a claim against the firm to FSCS.

    All claims will be considered on a case-by-case basis, to determine whether you are eligible for compensation.

    The latest news relating to our work into Cavendish will appear on this page. We will update this page as our investigations progress. Customers should subscribe to this page to receive the latest updates.

  • 11 Aug, 2022

    FSCS began to consider customers’ claims against Cavendish Incorporated Ltd (“Cavendish”) on 12 May 2022. 

    Cavendish registered with the Financial Conduct Authority on 02 January 2021 and is now closed to regulated business. 

    FSCS has been working with the FCA and the Financial Ombudsman Service to investigate the activities of Cavendish and its former appointed representative, Cottesmore Associates Ltd (“Cottesmore”). 

    We're aware that consumers invested funds into ISAs, convertible bonds and loan notes issued by Cavendish or through its former appointed representative, Cottesmore. 

    We're now considering whether there are valid claims in connection with Cavendish's activities. 

    If you believe you received bad advice from Cavendish, you can make a claim against the firm with FSCS. 

    All claims will be considered on a case-by-case basis, to determine whether you are eligible for compensation. 

    The latest news regarding our investigation regarding Cavendish will appear on this page. We will update this page as our investigations progress. Customers should subscribe to this page to receive the latest updates. 


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