Consumer bodies

FSCS protection for consumers of financial services

Our stakeholder team is working closely with consumer bodies to raise awareness of FSCS. Our aim is to protect consumers from financial harm.

This section of our website has been created to provide you with useful tools and information about FSCS. 

White haired woman using a laptop

Raising awareness of FSCS

As an organisation we are keen to raise awareness of FSCS, to ensure consumers of financial services are making informed choices. Our consumer research has shown that during times of financial difficulty people take more risks with their money.

We are working with consumer bodies to increase awareness of FSCS and to help educate your customers. Our hope is that consumers never need to use our services, but we want to ensure that they are dealing with authorised, regulated firms and that they know we are here if the worst happens.

How we can protect consumers together

We want to make it easier for consumers to find us and build a better understanding of our work. We have created this webpage with information and content on FSCS that you can share with your customers to help them understand more about who we are and how we can protect their money.

We’d like your help to reach consumers, so we’ve created this toolkit of resources that you can use on your website and in your newsletters. All you need to do is copy and paste this information, which includes text and assets such as leaflets. You’ll also find lots of useful content here on our website, including podcast episodes in which we discuss everything from cryptoassets to pensions.

If you need more information about FSCS or would like tailored support, contact our stakeholder team. Together we can make sure consumers are making the safest choices when it comes to protecting their money.


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FSCS - Making sure your money is protected 

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) exists to protect customers of financial services firms that have failed. If you have been dealing with a company that has gone bust and can’t pay claims against it we can step in to pay compensation.

Set up by parliament and funded by the financial services industry, FSCS is a completely independent and free service. 

FSCS covers a wide range of financial products and services such as investments, pensions, financial advice, insurance broking, mortgage advice and arranging and funeral plans. Different compensation limits apply depending on the financial product.   

Our hope is that you never need to use FSCS, but we want to ensure that you are dealing with authorised, regulated firms and know that we are here if the worst happens. 

Visit the FSCS website to find out more about the products and services we cover, and use our protection checkers to find out if your money is protected.


Short copy

FSCS - Making sure your money is protected

If the financial firm you’ve used has gone out of business and can’t pay your claim, we can step in to pay compensation.

Set up by the government, we’re independent and our service is free to use. You’ll keep 100% of the compensation you’re owed when you claim directly through us. Find out more about the products and services we cover on the FSCS website, and use our protection checkers to see if your money is protected.


Materials to use online

Preview Title Downloads
Leaflet for your website (please download and host on your own website, don't link to this page) Online leaflet (zipped file 0.3MB)


If you would like some printed leaflets, please contact our stakeholder team.

Our exclusive research series explores consumer attitudes, perceptions, and behaviours towards financial services and FSCS protection.

We regularly commission consumer research to support our communications strategy. Sharing the results of this research helps us identify gaps and opportunities, and allows us to work closely with our stakeholders to provide essential, accurate information to consumers about FSCS protection.

Some of our research topics:

  • Attitudes towards the retirement of tomorrow.
  • Beyond compensation: Exploring trust and confidence in the UK financial services industry.
  • Attitudes towards financial advice.

Protect your money with FSCS

Listen to our award-winning podcastProtect your money with FSCS, in which we talk about a range of topics including FSCS customer stories, how to claim with us and how to keep your money safe.

Consumer bodies queries

If you would like to find out more about our work with consumer bodies, please get in touch.

Contact us