You might be eligible for compensation
This firm is under investigation, so you may be able to make a claim against it. To find out, click the ‘Check if you can claim’ button.
The next step will be to answer a series of straightforward questions.
Should you need help, click on the ‘Need help’ button and choose to speak to one of our friendly claims handlers, or type a question into the FAQ option.
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26 Aug, 2021
We’ve finished reviewing our sample of claims.
We've now moved all submitted claims to our claims processing teams for assessment, but we can’t exactly confirm when we'll process any individual claim.
We’re sorry that it’s taken some time to reach this stage and we’re grateful for your patience.
18 Feb, 2021
We’re now in the final stages of our investigation into Highpoint Trustees.
We’ve started assessing some sample claims that relate to the following investments: Sustainable AgroEnergy Plc, EcoPlanet Bamboo, Merco Bonds, Forest Lakes, Global Forestry Investments and Eco-Synergies ltd.
We can’t confirm when exactly we'll process any individual claim. We’ll start processing all outstanding claims when we’ve finished our investigation.
27 Oct, 2020
Our Legal team is in the the final stages of reviewing the allegations made against Highpoint Trustees Limited.
We’ll start assessing claims once we've completed our review.
09 Sep, 2020
FSCS has received claims against Highpoint Trustees Limited (“HTL”/ “the firm”), formerly known as Citadel Trustees Limited. Customers allege HTL failed to carry out sufficient due diligence in respect of non-standard investments for which the firm acted either as trustee or escrow agent.
FSCS is investigating whether there are protected claims against HTL. For this to happen we need to know HTL owes a civil liability to customers that would enable them to sue the firm in court.
This is a complex area and we are working closely with our legal team, the firm’s administrators and other third parties, to establish what regulated activity may be protected by FSCS and what levels of due diligence the Firm carried out.
We will publish a further update in October.
If you think you have a claim and were advised by an FCA-authorised adviser that’s still trading to take out an investment for which HTL acted as trustee or escrow agent, you need to complain to them first. If your adviser rejects your complaint, you can take your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
If you think you have a claim and were advised by an FCA-authorised adviser that’s now not trading to take out an investment for which HTL acted as trustee or escrow agent, you should submit a claim to FSCS against your financial adviser.
FSCS is free to use and you don’t need to use a representative to make a claim. If you bring your claim to us directly you will receive 100% of any compensation due.
If you think you’ve got a claim against HTL, click the ‘Check if you can claim’ button to start the process.
See our investment compensation limits and their conditions on our Investments page.
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