Alpha Insurance A/S (Alpha Insurance), a Danish insurance company, was declared bankrupt on 8 May 2018. FSCS has been working closely with Alpha’s liquidator, the Danish Guarantee Fund and the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (Danish FSA) to understand the impact of Alpha’s bankruptcy.
See our insurance compensation limits and their conditions on our Insurance page.
Latest updates
24 May, 2023
We are now aware that a small number of customers are owed an additional return of premium amount. In most cases the amount due back is less than £50, but if you believe this applies to you, please email InsDefaultQueries@fscs.org.uk.
A few other customers due £50 or more will have received an email explaining the process and are starting to receive payments.
We're asking for ID and proof of bank account details to ensure we pay compensation to the correct person. -
15 Nov, 2019
We are aware that many Alpha latent defect policyholders have still not received a premium refund from FSCS. We're appealing for these policyholders to submit their premium refund claim to the Alpha claims portal.
12 Sep, 2019
CRL Management Ltd ("CRL") was an appointed representative of BCR Legal Group Ltd (“BCR”) who operated under authority from Alpha to sell Latent/Structural Defect insurance policy cover in the UK.
FSCS has been recently made aware that CRL has stopped writing new business. All calls and enquires to CRL relating to Alpha are being redirected to BCR for handling.
BCR has assured FSCS that those calls and enquiries are being dealt with as normal. If you have any questions about this, please contact BCR at: mailroom@bcr.co.uk or 020 8343 3242.
11 Sep, 2019
If you are an Alpha Insurance Latent Defect policyholder and believe you are due a premium refund, but haven’t received any communication from FSCS, you need to submit your claim directly via the Alpha portal alphagroup.dk/submit-a-claim/ to proceed.
19 Aug, 2019
FSCS will compensate Alpha Insurance latent defect premium insurance policyholders.
This follows the collapse of the deal arranged by BCR Legal Group Ltd to provide replacement cover for Alpha’s 10-year latent defect/structural damage insurance policies due to a number of last-minute issues.
As a result, policyholders cannot be expected to wait any longer and FSCS is to pay premium refund compensation to around 14,000 policyholders directly and cheques will be posted in the coming weeks. FSCS is also writing to the remaining 6,500 policyholders with instructions on what steps the policyholders must take to submit their claim. There is no need for any Alpha customers to contact FSCS, as all relevant policyholders can be assured that FSCS will seek to contact them within the next two weeks. You can find more information about this on the Q&A tab.
We recognise that a refund of premium may not be the outcome Alpha customers would have chosen and we deeply regret that it wasn’t possible to find replacement cover. Please be assured that FSCS and other parties exhausted every possible avenue to try to replace the cover, which is why this process has taken so long.
Once the premium insurance refund has been paid, FSCS recommends that policyholders seek professional advice on obtaining replacement cover as soon as possible by contacting a suitable insurance broker who specialises in latent defect/structural damage policies.
Policyholders may be in breach of their mortgage terms and conditions if they do not have a valid latent defect policy for their property. Should policyholders not know of a suitable insurance broker to help with replacement cover, they can get help via the British Insurance Brokers’ Association’s ‘Find-A-Broker’ service by telephoning 0370 950 1790, email fab@biba.org.uk.
If you have a post-completion certificate of insurance and have not received a cheque from FSCS by 15 September you will need to submit your claim for return of premium via the Alpha portal: https://alphagroup.dk/submit-a-claim/.
01 Aug, 2019
The deal to secure replacement cover for Alpha Insurance’s latent defect policyholders remains agreed in principle and subject to contract. We’ve been working closely with BCR (the main Broker) and the Alpha Liquidator to try to resolve some very complex issues so we can secure replacement cover for Alpha’s 10-year latent defect/structural damage insurance policies.
BCR Legal Group Ltd had previously indicated that its replacement insurer was in a position to proceed. However, they have now advised us that the replacement insurer has raised several last-minute issues that are preventing the agreement from being finalised.
We’re not sure at this stage if the replacement agreement will be able to proceed, but we are continuing to do everything in our power to make it happen as we know how important this is to everyone affected and we believe that this is the best outcome for customers.
If your property has sustained damage caused by a latent defect you should raise a claim by notifying BCR and the developer, as set out in your policy documentation.
24 Jul, 2019
FSCS is looking forward to concluding the process of securing replacement cover for Alpha latent defect policies. This transfer remains agreed in principle and subject to contract. We have received no objections or last-minute requests for changes and are simply awaiting the signatures of the parties concerned.
FSCS is pressing for this to be concluded urgently, and we will provide a further update when we’ve more news.
19 Jul, 2019
FSCS is able to confirm that a deal to secure replacement cover for Alpha Insurance’s Latent Defect policyholders has now been agreed (subject to contract) with a new, solvent insurer.
All parties involved in the arrangement intend to provide final sign-off on Wednesday 24 July.
FSCS will continue to provide updates on the closing stages of this process over the coming days.
12 Jul, 2019
Since May 2018, FSCS has been working with CRL Management (an appointed representative of BCR Legal Group Ltd), BCR Legal Group Ltd and the Alpha Liquidator to try and secure replacement cover for Alpha’s 10-year latent defect/structural damage insurance policies, which lapsed on 11 August 2018 in accordance with Danish law.
We appreciate the difficult position that many CRL Management/Alpha Insurance customers currently find themselves in, in light of the continued uncertainty surrounding replacement cover being secured.
By far the best outcome here is for BCR/CRL to be successful in arranging replacement cover with a new, solvent insurer.
FSCS is aware that, should a new insurer not be found, it will be difficult for affected policyholders to find replacement cover themselves. Furthermore, the cost of that replacement cover is likely to exceed the amount the policyholders receive in premium refund compensation from FSCS.
For this reason we have granted BCR/CRL a number of deadline extensions in the hope that a new insurance provider can be found.
BCR/CRL have assured FSCS that good progress has been made in recent days and it is likely a deal to secure replacement cover with a new, solvent insurer will be finalised shortly. We will provide a further update by the end of next week (Friday 19 July).
08 Jul, 2019
Although we’d hoped to make a more comprehensive announcement today, work to finalise the agreement for the latent defect policy transfer to the new insurer is still ongoing, although extremely close to a conclusion. We’ll provide a further update later this week.
02 Jul, 2019
FSCS, CRL and BCR are continuing to work on a successful transfer of Alpha’s latent defect policies to a new insurer, and good progress has been made in recent days. Discussions with the new insurer are at an advanced stage, however, the timetable has been pushed back slightly while the terms of the transfer are reviewed. We’ll provide a further update on Monday, 8 July.
10 Jun, 2019
Following our update on 23 May, CRL Management has recently identified a new alternative insurer to FSCS. CRL has also provided FSCS with a comprehensive timetable outlining key steps and milestones that will ensure a successful transfer of Alpha’s latent defect policies to that new insurer by 2 July. If the stated milestones are not met as scheduled, the 2 July extension will be cancelled and FSCS will proceed to pay premium refund compensation directly to affected policyholders.
28 May, 2019
FSCS is in the process of issuing premium refund payments totalling £6.9m to 9,000 commercial taxi policyholders insured by Alpha Insurance and sold through the Alpha MGA broker, Capital Underwriting Agency Ltd (CUAL).
If you were an Alpha commercial taxi policyholder and haven't received a cheque payment, please contact your broker to check if you're entitled to a refund. If so, please ask your broker to contact FSCS with your details.
If you've received a cheque but you think the amount is incorrect, you'll need to contact the broker from whom you purchased your Alpha policy. These premium refund payments have been based on information provided by Alpha’s brokers and verified by the Alpha liquidator. Any issues concerning the premium refund payment you've received will need to be raised with your broker in the first instance.
23 May, 2019
The deadline has passed and we're reviewing the latest submission from BCR regarding their progress with securing a new insurer. We’ll provide a fuller update towards the end of next week.
30 Apr, 2019
The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) has further extended the deadline for CRL Management to find an alternative insurer to provide replacement cover for Alpha latent defect and structural damage insurance policyholders whose policies terminated last August.
FSCS has given CRL Management (an appointed representative of BCR Legal Group) until 22 May to secure alternative cover with a suitable insurer. FSCS together with our colleagues at the FCA and PRA hope that a further deadline extension will allow CRL to provide all the information that is required for a suitable alternative insurer to commit to a deal.
15 Apr, 2019
The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) has further extended the deadline for CRL Management to find an alternative insurer to provide replacement cover for Alpha latent defect and structural damage insurance policyholders whose policies terminated last August.
FSCS has given CRL Management (an appointed representative of BCR Legal Group) until 30 April to secure alternative cover, following the granting of a two-week extension on 29 March 2019. CRL Management continues to make good progress in arranging such cover, and FSCS is hopeful that the further deadline extension could lead to a deal being agreed that would provide the best-possible outcome for these policyholders.
FSCS continues to work closely with CRL Management and the Alpha liquidator.
01 Apr, 2019
The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) has given CRL Management a further two weeks to find an alternative insurer to provide replacement cover for Alpha latent defect and structural damage insurance policyholders whose policies terminated last August.
FSCS had previously given CRL Management (an appointed representative of BCR Legal Group) until 29 March 2019 to secure alternative cover. CRL Management has shown that it is making progress in arranging such cover, and FSCS is hopeful that an extension of the deadline could lead to a deal being agreed that would provide the best-possible outcome for these policyholders.
FSCS will continue to work closely with CRL Management and the Alpha Liquidator, and will provide a further update on the position in two weeks.
07 Mar, 2019
FSCS is still working with CRL Management towards finding a new provider for Alpha latent defect/structural damage policies that terminated on 11 August 2018. A challenging marketplace and poor-quality policy holder data are complicating this process. CRL Management had previously identified a possible replacement provider. It is now unlikely that this insurer will take on the policies. If no new provider can be found by 29 March 2019, FSCS will start to build a process to return the unused part of the premium to policy holders.
30 Jan, 2019
Following our update on 21 November, CRL Management has recently identified a potential replacement insurer. FSCS is continuing to work with CRL Management, the Alpha Liquidator and the Danish Guarantee Fund to secure replacement cover for Alpha latent defect/structural damage insurance policies that terminated on 11 August 2018.
21 Nov, 2018
FSCS is working with CRL Management, the Alpha Liquidator and the Danish Guarantee Fund to replace cover for Alpha policies that terminated on 11 August 2018 because of the Alpha bankruptcy. We may be able to pay compensation to secure replacement cover for policies in relation to properties located in the United Kingdom where a post-completion certificate was issued by 11 August 2018. The replacement cover will be backdated and begin from when the Alpha policies terminated.
We are unable to compensate or provide replacement cover for Alpha policies taken out by developers, where protection was not activated by a homeowner purchasing the property before 11 August 2018.
Policies in relation to foreign properties will not be included under our rules. FSCS can’t provide compensation for risks insured by Alpha that are located outside of the UK.
20 Nov, 2018
The Alpha Liquidator has recently sent out letters to all UK customers of Alpha insurance who submitted a premium refund claim via the Alpha online portal before 11 September. These letters acknowledge that the Alpha Liquidator has received their details and is working on verifying their premium refund claim.
The letters also offer advice on whether customers might be eligible for protection from FSCS and the Danish Guarantee Fund (DGF). Please note that if customers aren’t eligible for protection from DGF, they may still be eligible for protection from us.
Customers do not need to do anything further at this stage. Their details will be passed to FSCS and the DGF by the Alpha Liquidator when they have finished verifying their premium refund claim.
The Alpha Liquidator is currently reviewing premium refund claims submitted after 11 September and will be in contact with those policyholders shortly.
25 Oct, 2018
Please note that customers must notify Alpha of any claim by 8 November, 2018 for these to be covered by the Danish Guarantee Feed (“DGF”). Any UK customers with Alpha claims after this date, could still benefit from FSCS protection if they’re a private individual or a business with an annual turnover of less than £1m.
For further information please visit the Danish Guarantee Fund’s information on the Alpha site.
Commonly asked questions
Why are you asking for my company's accounts?
We need to assess the insured company’s eligibility for FSCS protection. FSCS is geared towards protecting claimants who are individuals or small businesses only.
Under FSCS’ rules, a small business means a partnership, body corporate, unincorporated association or mutual association with an annual turnover of less than £1 million for the 12 months immediately preceding the start of the insurance policy.
What do you mean by: “…an annual turnover of less than £1 million for the 12 months immediately preceding the inception of the insurance policy” ?
We mean that we want to see what the insured company’s gross revenue or income was for a specific period of time. That specific period of time being the 12 months preceding (or leading up to) the start of the Alpha insurance policy.
For example, if the Alpha policy cover dates were: 01/05/2016 – 30/04/2017 we need to have sight of the insured company’s turnover for the period 01/05/2015 – 30/04/2016.
The accounts are prepared on a fiscal/calendar year basis. The above mentioned period covers 2 accounting periods - do you need to see both sets of accounts?
Are abbreviated accounts acceptable?
No. Abbreviated accounts do not reference a company’s turnover, gross revenue or income in any way, so are of no use in this scenario.
Can I use my phone to take a picture of the paperwork?
No. Pictures taken with phones are too variable in quality, making it hard to read figures. Please send a scan of the relevant documents.
I haven’t received my cheque. What should I do?
Please note that if you are waiting for a cheque to be reissued, this may take up to 4 weeks. If you have never received your cheque, please send us an email including the following information:
- Estate Name
- Product Name
- Full name
- Any previous full names
- Current full address
- Any previous full address
- Evidence of name or address change if that is necessary (ie it has changed since you took the policy)
- Acceptable evidence for Name Change is Marriage Certificate or Deed Poll
- Acceptable evidence for Address Change is council tax or utility bill dated within the last 3 months, addressed to you and showing the new address
- Post Completion Certificate of Insurance, which should display Alpha Insurance
- A copy of the land register
- Certificate Number, which should start UK-AIC or CUQ
Please note it may take up to 4 weeks to reissue the payment.
Alternatively, we could arrange for a BACS transfer to be carried out – for us to do this you will need to provide your account name, number and sort code.
I have not received my cheque (motor policy taxi driver). What should I do?
Please send us proof of ID and proof of address
- Acceptable evidence of ID is a valid passport or driving licence
- Acceptable evidence for proof of address is council tax or utility bill dated within the last 3 months, addressed to you and showing the address.
I have not received my cheque (Motor policy commercial). What should I do?
FSCS is waiting for data from the insolvency practitioner, which we now have and which could include your claim.
Please provide the company's full accounts and turnover for the year leading up to when the policy was bought.
We will need to check that you are eligible for FSCS compensation (to see how FSCS protects companies please visit the useful information for small businesses, limited companies and charities page.
The cheque I have received is in the wrong name and I need it to be reissued, what shall I do?
You will need to return the cheque to FSCS (or scan it and send us the picture) along with clear details of who a reissued cheque should be made payable to. You'll need to include the following information:
- Reason for reissue
- Bordereau Number (shown as our reference on the cheque letter)
- Estate Name
- Product Name
- Full name
- Any previous full names
- Current full address
- Any previous full address
- Evidence of name or address change where that is the reason for reissue
- Acceptable evidence for Name Change is Marriage Certificate or Deed Poll
- Acceptable evidence for Address Change is council tax or utility bill dated within the last 3 months, addressed to you and showing the new address
Please note it may take up to 4 weeks to cancel and reissue the payment.
Alternatively, we could arrange for a BACS transfer to be carried out – for us to do this you will need to provide your account name, number and sort code.
Why is my refund less than I paid for the policy?
When purchased, the cost of the policy was made up of several components, including surveyors’ fees, administration costs, and the insurance premium itself. FSCS can only offer protection on the insurance premium, and the amount of compensation depends on how much longer the policy had left to run. Of this, FSCS can pay 90%.
FSCS has no access to the information around how much the developer paid CRL for the insurance policy. However, we do know the value of the Alpha insurance component, and this is the amount that our compensation is based on.
If you have further questions on how your premium refund payment was calculated, we’d urge you to contact BCR/CRL. Call them on 0208 343 3242 or 0800 772 3200.
If you’re not happy with the outcome, the Financial Ombudsman Service may be able to resolve your dispute.
Following the failure of Alpha, no other insurer was prepared to take on the risks of the latent defect policies for the same money, hence the return of premiums. Likewise, the cost of a replacement policy is likely to be higher too.
How is my latent defect claim being calculated?
FSCS can pay premium refund compensation if:
a) a post-completion certificate of insurance has been issued by CRL for the property in question, and
b) the policy beneficiary (the property owner) has been clearly identified to us by CRL.
FSCS can also pay premium refund compensation to self-build (individual) developers where the property is in the pre-completion stage of development.
If the policyholder is an individual or small business and the insured risk is in the UK, FSCS protection will apply.
Your premium refund claim has been calculated on a pro-rata basis and represents the unused portion of any premium that was paid. FSCS protection in relation to premium refund claims is limited to 90%.
I have an existing claim. What happens?
You should contact the claims contact number provided in your CRL policy documentation and continue to liaise with the Claims Handler assigned to your claim.
Does this mean my Alpha insurance policy is not valid anymore?
That is correct. All Alpha insurance policies terminated on 11 August 2018 in accordance with Danish law. FSCS would urge you to consult an Insurance Broker who specialises in this product type to discuss your options and do this as soon as possible. You might be in breach of your mortgage terms and conditions if you do not have a valid latent defect policy for your property.
If you do not know of a suitable Insurance Broker, you can use the British Insurance Brokers’ Association’s ‘Find-A-Broker' service and they will be able to help you.
Telephone: 0370 950 1790
Email: fab@biba.org.uk
What should I do about finding a replacement for my Alpha Latent Defect policy?
FSCS cannot offer advice on this. You should consult an Insurance Broker who specialises in this product type to discuss your options and do this as soon as possible.
If you do not know of a suitable Insurance Broker, you can use the British Insurance Brokers’ Association’s ‘Find-A-Broker' service and they will be able to help you.
Telephone: 0370 950 1790
Email: fab@biba.org.uk
What should I do if I am in breach of my mortgage terms and conditions?
FSCS cannot offer advice on this. We would urge you to contact your mortgage provider to discuss the issue with them as soon as possible. You should consult an Insurance Broker who specialises in this product type to discuss your options and do this as soon as possible.
If you do not know of a suitable Insurance Broker, you can use the British Insurance Brokers’ Association’s ‘Find-A-Broker' service and they will be able to help you.
Telephone: 0370 950 1790
Email: fab@biba.org.uk
I am a Property Developer, my development was not completed before the Alpha bankruptcy – what can I do?
FSCS can pay premium refund compensation where a post-completion certificate of insurance has been issued.
FSCS can also pay premium refund compensation to self-build (individual) developers where the property is in the pre-completion stage of development.
If the policyholder is an individual or small business and the insured risk is in the UK, FSCS protection will apply.
If you are not eligible for protection from FSCS you can still submit a premium refund claim to the Alpha portal. The Alpha Liquidator will consider your claim and may register your debt in the bankruptcy estate.
I don't have a post-completion certificate, what should I do?
FSCS can pay premium refund compensation where a post-completion certificate of insurance has been issued.
FSCS can also pay premium refund compensation to self-build (individual) developers where the property is in the pre-completion stage of development.
If you fall outside those two categories, you can still submit a premium refund claim to the Alpha portal: https://alphagroup.dk/submit-a-claim/. The Alpha Liquidator will consider your claim and may register your debt in the bankruptcy estate.
If you have already logged a claim, be aware that FSCS is currently awaiting data from the Danish insolvency practitioner, which may or may not include your claim details. Unfortunately, we don't have a time scale as to when this data is due.
Does the Danish Guarantee Fund (“DGF”) protect me for my loss of premium?
The DGF is not currently able to commit to a position on paying premium refund compensation for Alpha Latent Defect policies.
This will not delay premium refund compensation payments from being sent out to affected policyholders.
FSCS are working closely with the DGF to clarify their position asap.
I received a letter from FSCS instructing me to submit my policy/claims details through the Alpha portal. When will I receive my premium refund?
FSCS are in contact with Alpha to obtain a timeframe. The reason for this is that each claim must first be validated by the Liquidator before it is submitted to FSCS for payment.
I received a letter from FSCS instructing me to submit my policy/claims details through the Alpha portal but I am not the property owner. What should I do?
It is extremely important that you pass the letter on to the property owner. The property owner might be in breach of their mortgage terms if they do not have latent defect cover in place and they will need to act on this information immediately.
What happens when the claim is still within the developer’s two-year warranty period & they won’t do anything?
On the discovery of any circumstances that may possibly give rise to or lead to a potential claim, the policyholder should give written notice to: Claims Department, BCR Legal Group Ltd, 25 Dollis Park, London N3 1HJ and then call them on 020 8343 3242 to follow up.
Where the claim relates to the initial two-year period, the builder/developer will be responsible for all remedial works in accordance with CRL’s membership requirements. A dispute resolution service is offered under the policy between the policyholder and the developer.
If the dispute procedure is not successful, the claim will be dealt with under the CRL policy which will, in turn, be picked up by FSCS (provided the claim is accepted as valid by the Alpha liquidator). The policyholder needs to make sure they have done this to protect their position; this is all covered in more detail in the CRL policy documents, which they should have a copy of.
What types of insurance cover did Alpha Insurance provide in the UK?
Alpha Insurance provided a range of insurance policies to the UK retail and commercial market. Policy types included solicitors’ professional indemnity insurance, motor insurance gap insurance and latent defects insurance (insuring customers from defects in new build homes).
How is FSCS helping UK customers of Alpha Insurance?
If a UK customer isn’t covered by the Danish Guarantee Fund it is possible they can still benefit from FSCS protection if they are a business with an annual turnover of less than £1m.
We know this will include:
Commercial policyholders who need to claim for damage to their own vehicle
Solicitors with professional indemnity cover
How are UK customers of Alpha Insurance protected for premium refunds on their motor policies?
All Alpha Insurance policies terminated on 11th August 2018.
Non-commercial motor policyholders
If you are a non-commercial motor policyholder your premium refund claim will be covered by the Danish Guarantee Fund and you will get a refund for the unexpired period of your insurance cover subject to a deductible of 1,000 DKK. You may be entitled to a top-up payment from FSCS if, after the application of the 1,000 DKK deductible, you have not received 90% of the unexpired premium amount owed to you. FSCS will work with the Danish Guarantee Fund to ensure the premium refund owed to you is calculated correctly.
To make a return of premium claim you will need to complete an online form on Alpha Insurance’s website.
Commercial motor policyholders (i.e. Taxi drivers)
For eligible commercial policyholders in the UK, you will get a refund for the unexpired period of your insurance cover. FSCS will cover 90% of your premium refund claim.
To make a return of premium claim you will need to complete an online form on Alpha Insurance’s website.
Replacement insurance
If your broker has been able to replace all of their customers’ Alpha policies to a new insurance provider, FSCS will pay the broker the return of premium compensation where we have reached an agreement with them. Your broker will then pass this return of premium on to your new insurance provider. Your broker/new insurer will tell you if they’ve replaced your policy and you will be able to cancel any replacement cover during the “cooling off period” should you want to.
Premium Finance
FSCS will pay finance companies where customers have bought the cover using a loan that required them to assign their rights to the finance company. We’ve been working with the two main providers: Close Brothers and Premium Credit, to finalise the terms of how we can arrange the payment. If you bought your cover using credit from either of these companies, we will pay the compensation directly to them and it will go towards paying back the loan.
How are UK customers of Alpha Insurance protected for premium refunds on their GAP replacement policies?
FSCS worked with Premia Solutions to replace 177,000 Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) policies with effect from 12 August 2018. The new insurer will be a Lloyd’s of London syndicate.
Affected policy holders will receive a letter from Premia Solutions outlining the details of the transfer of their policies. The transfer comes after Alpha’s liquidator gave notice that these policies will be cancelled on 11 August 2018.
If you have not yet received a letter from Premia Solutions, you can contact:
Premia Solutions’ customer hotline for Alpha GAP insurance on 03333 010 750 or visit www.premiasolutions.com.
How are UK customers of Alpha Insurance protected for premium refunds on their latent defect / structural damage policies?
Updated 12 August 2019
FSCS is working closely with both CRL Management Ltd and the Alpha Liquidator to ensure that eligible policyholders either receive a premium refund or benefit from a replacement policy arranged by their broker.
FSCS can pay premium refund compensation if a post-completion certificate of insurance was issued by CRL Management Ltd, for the property in question, before 11 August 2018.
Please be aware that Developers cannot claim return of premium compensation from FSCS because until the relevant property is sold, there is no valid contract of insurance for regulatory purposes, and the premium was not paid by a policyholder. Developers may be able to make an unsecured claim in Alpha’s insolvency and will need to complete an online form on Alpha Insurance's website.
How can customers claim back the cost of their premium from their credit card provider?
If you paid for your insurance using a credit card, in certain circumstances the credit card company will reimburse you for the product you have purchased. You should contact your credit card company to find out how they can help you.
You should tell us if you successfully claim from your credit card company as this money would be deducted from any claim you make to FSCS. You may be breaking the law if you attempt to claim the same loss back from both FSCS and your credit card company.
Where FSCS pays you a return of premium claim we would inform your credit card company if they ask us.
How does FSCS insurance protection work?
FSCS can compensate for claims against 'European Economic Area' insurers that are authorised in the UK, but only for UK business.